Wanderlust Made Easy: Tips for Planning the Perfect Trip

Travelling should be something you look forward to, and come away from feeling like a better (and more relaxed!) person.

However, when all you see are photoshopped posts on Instagram, you can lose a bit of passion for experiencing everything the world has to offer! 

It can sometimes feel like the art of travel has been lost.

You should be out there trying new foods, meeting new people, and discovering local history, to witness sights few get to see, and if that’s something you’re trying to get back to, rather than simply staying in overly expensive resorts, I’ve got some tips for you.

How to Organise a Holiday You’ll Really Remember

Save up!

Saving up is the number one thing to do before planning an amazing trip.

You’re going to need money, and plenty of it, and that means opening up a new saving space well ahead of time.

Don’t be afraid to put as much as you can in here; if you really want to experience a trip you’ll never forget, you’re going to need some good dosh on your side, and if you can afford it, put that £50 exactly where it belongs each week!

a woman on a sunlounger smiling at the camera

Get your timing right

A good holiday is taken at just the right time, a.k.a., when it’s most affordable to go.

Not only that, you need to take the weather and general tourist conditions into account too.

Now, you might not think that the latter matters so much – you’re a tourist as well, after all.

But remember, the more people trying to get into the same attraction as you, the earlier you’ll have to get up to get to the front of the queue – major tourist hubs like Rome are super packed in the summer months, making it difficult to enjoy sights such as the Colosseum and The Vatican.

Plan to do the things you actually want to do

When you’re planning a trip, you should plan to do the things you actually want to do, and not just things people say you should include on your itinerary!

If you’re going it alone, you’ve got every right to try out every single thing you want.

So, what do you want to do?

The possibilities are endless!

Many people would like to book onto Orient Express holidays, or try out a cruise for the first time, or even go on an extended yurt holiday in a remote area.

Whatever it is you want, throw away the excuses and finally include these kinds of experiences in your plan.

Get all the admin out of the way ASAP

Whilst planning a trip can be fun, having to file all your bookings, get your travel insurance and visas sorted out, isn’t exactly an enticing prospect.

As such, you should aim to get all of these boxes ticked as soon as possible. 

As soon as you know you’re going to be travelling, book in any vaccination shots you’ll need, double check government advice, buy a good travel insurance policy, and only after all of this is done should you start planning your general itinerary.

Put safety first and a lot more fun memories can come later.

How to Plan a Holiday You’ll Really Remember | Final Thoughts

As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into planning a trip you’ll really remember.

Getting the details ironed out before you travel is essential if you want a successful trip, and if you want to make your next holiday really worth it, follow the tips in this article to get the planning process started perfectly.

That’s all for today, but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments section below!

Until next time,


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