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Moroccan Argan Oil Benefits | Moroccan Oil Review

I have long been relying on Moroccan argan oil for my beauty needs.

Argan oil is one of the most versatile products out there and has many health and beauty benefits.

This means that as a long term traveller, my health and beauty needs can be catered to without having to lug around a million different products in my backpack.

However, although the benefits of Moroccan oil are almost endless, the vast majority of people I meet don’t know much about it.

Moroccan Argan Oil Benefits | Moroccan Oil Review

What is Moroccan argan oil? 

Moroccan argan oil is a plant oil produced from the kernals of the argan tree. In Morocco, it is traditionally used to dip bread into at breakfast time, and is also used as a cooking oil or drizzled on couscous.

Moroccan argan oil has actually benefited Moroccan society hugely, as the labour intensive nature of extracting it from the argan tree, mostly carried out by women’s co-operatives, has provided a steady income for many women in Morocco which has helped to lift entire families out of poverty as well as elevating women’s status within the male-dominated society.

(Sidenote – if you are interested in visiting Morocco then check out this Morocco road trip itinerary post!).

In recent years, the many benefits of argan oil have become widely recognised and people worldwide are catching onto the global phenomenon that is Moroccan argan oil.

With this in mind, I decided to do some research and find out exactly why people use Moroccan argan oil and what are some of the benefits of Moroccan oil for hair, skin, health and more.

benefits of argan oil

10 Health and Beauty Benefits of Moroccan Argan Oil!

1. Argan oil for cooking

It may be slightly pricier than sunflower oil, but don’t disregard it just yet.

Anybody who knows their way around a kitchen knows that the using a quality oil to cook with is essential, but not only does argan oil taste great, but it has significant health benefits as well!

Using Moroccan argan oil for cooking can reduce cholesterol, arthritis pains and even reduce and prevent cardiovascular problems – not a bad addition to your evening meal! 

But what does argan oil taste like?

Well, the taste of argan oil is incredibly subtle, but there is a definite nutty taste to it. However, it won’t alter the flavour of whatever you’re cooking too much, making it a great substitute for other cooking oils.

2. Argan oil for nails

Is argan oil good for nail growth?

YES, a million times yes.

In fact, not only does argan oil not only encourage nail growth but it also strengthens your nails, making brittle nails and painful breakages a thing of the past.

Simply rub a small amount of argan oil onto your nails and cuticles for noticeably healthier nails.

3. Argan oil for scars

Argan oil is not only great for fading scars caused from injury but it also helps with acne scars, stretch marks and other blemishes while keeping the skin lovely and moisturised.

4. Moroccan argan oil for skin

Argan oil isn’t just great for superficial stuff like soft skin and fading stretch marks.

Many people use argan oil for acne-prone skin and see great results, and argan oil can also help soothe or even heal eczema, burns, chicken pox, psoriasis and more.

5. Argan oil prevents wrinkles

Forget about all of all the latest face creams and anti-wrinkle treatments: one of the many benefits of argan oil is that it is great for the prevention of wrinkles!

I use argan oil daily on my face in place of moisturiser, and contrary to what you may think, it doesn’t actually make your skin oily but it is great at treating and preventing spots while making your skin silky soft.

It is essential when travelling to look after your skin, and so this is another reason why Moroccan argan oil is one of the best travel essentials for women.

6. Moroccan argan oil for hair

By far the most popular use of Moroccan argan oil is for hair.

Most conditioners and hair serums have silicones in the ingredients, which, while making your hair LOOK super shiny, actually coat your hair in a plastic film that prevents minerals from getting in and eventually make your hair weak and brittle.

Heat protection sprays that market themselves as including Moroccan argan oil almost always have a tonne of silicones in them, meaning that they are actually doing more harm than good.

However, pure argan oil is one of the best heat protectants out there because it has a high burning point and will protect your hair without adding lots of damaging silicones to it.

Argan oil also makes hair strong, preventing breakage and split ends, encouraging growth, smoothing the hair for easy styling and even detangling better than most conditioners! 

Personally for me, having long, healthy hair is one of the biggest benefits of Moroccan oil.

moroccan argan oil for hair

7. Argan oil is a pedicure essential

Moroccan argan oil is the perfect remedy for tired feet.

Argan oil can provide feet with the TLC that they deserve as it is super nourishing for dry and cracked heels.

Forget expensive treatments or tiny fish chomping away at your dead skin – just rub some argan oil into your feet, put on some comfy socks and relax!

8. Argan oil works as a great exfoliating lip scrub

Whenever I travel, my lips always suffer.

Whether it’s harsh air-conditioning, or sun damage, I always end up with dry and chapped lips.

However, instead of spending a fortune on high end beauty products, just adding to brown sugar to argan oil creates a scrumptious lip scrub and moisturiser – you can thank me later.

9. Argan oil enhances almost any makeup product

Mixing argan oil with your toner, foundation, bronzer or other beauty products almost always enhances the product.

You can even add a drop of argan oil to your day or night cream to give your skin an extra boost.

10. Moroccan argan oil creates a super soft shave

I use argan oil religiously when I’m shaving my legs (especially with the dreaded dry shave!).

Oils in general are much better to shave with than shower gels or shaving foam and argan oil is no exception.

It doesn’t clog up the razor like thick foams do and it leads to a smoother finish with less ingrown hairs. What’s more, you only need to use a tiny bit and so it lasts far longer than foams or gels.

Benefits of Moroccan Argan Oil | Final Thoughts

Ever since my first trip to Marrakech, I have been religiously using Moroccan argan oil, and I don’t see myself breaking the habit any time soon!

Moroccan oil is super versatile and can be used for just about anything in your hair, skin and beauty routine, and it doesn’t contain any sneaky added ingredients or preservatives either – win-win!

That’s about it for today, but as always, if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you!

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