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Is Belgrade Worth Visiting? 21 Reasons to Visit Belgrade, Serbia

Europe is not short of enchanting capital cities to visit, and if you have limited time for your Euro trip, you may be wondering, is Belgrade worth visiting?

If you had asked me when I was a teenager if I’d ever visit Belgrade, I would have looked at you aghast.


As in A Serbian Film Serbia?

No way, I’d like to keep my kidneys thank you very much!

However, after visiting Belgrade twice and spending almost a month there, I can concede that I was wrong about Serbia.

belgrade fortress
The view from Belgrade fortress

Belgrade is not some sinister land where mobsters are waiting to sell your kidneys – it is a vibrant European capital that doesn’t get nearly as much tourism as it deserves.

With that said, Belgrade is definitely a city that needs to be understood rather than simply ticked off a list.

Some compare it to the city of Warsaw in Poland, and I think it’s a fair comparison – both cities have difficult histories and may seem a bit rough around the edges, but will reward you immensely if you just give them a chance.

Travelling in the Balkans is an experience like no other, and so I decided to compile a list of things that you can expect when you visit Belgrade, the ‘White City’ of Serbia.

Is Belgrade worth visiting?

Let’s find out.

Is Belgrade Worth Visiting? 21 Reasons to Visit Belgrade, Serbia

1. Belgrade is ugly, but beautiful

My first impressions of Belgrade weren’t great.

Coming from Bosnia, with its fairy tale streets and incredible nature, my first thoughts were that Belgrade was downright ugly.

Grey crumbling buildings are squished together around the main railway station, their Soviet uniformity only enhanced by their dirty windows and peeling paint.

As you wander the city, you don’t have to look far to see the scars of the 1999 NATO bombings.

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That said, while parts of Belgrade are dilapidated and bleak, there is plenty of beauty hidden just beneath the surface.

From the cobbled streets and colourful flowers of the Bohemian Quarter to the quirky street art, Orthodox churches and various architectural styles in the city centre, you don’t have to look too far to find Belgrade’s hidden charm.

Belgrade might not be the most picturesque capital in Europe, but there is definitely beauty to be found.

belgrade street art
Beauty when you least expect it

2. Coffee is life

Something that you can’t fail to notice when visiting Belgrade is the abundance of coffee shops.

This isn’t actually surprising considering that Belgrade was home to Europe’s first ever kafana (coffee shop), all the way back in 1522!

Coffee was brought to Belgrade by the Ottomans in the 16th century, and this is why the Serbian coffee or ‘domestic coffee’ is so similar to what you might know as Turkish coffee.

Kafa is a very rich, very thick coffee that is prepared by simmering roasted and ground coffee beans on the hob (with sugar if you like).

It is almost a way of life in Serbia, and the Balkans in general for that matter – I actually wrote an entire article about Albanian coffee culture.

Coffee culture in Belgrade is so prominent that you could be forgiven for wondering if anybody actually goes to work in Belgrade, because even on a Tuesday afternoon, every coffee shop will be packed full of Serbs drinking endless cups of coffee and gossiping until sunset.

One of the best places to drink coffee in Belgrade is a chain called Kafeterija.

Kafeterija have every kind of coffee imaginable, including the infamous Kopi Luwak which I tried in Bali, and the baristas are super knowledgeable about the differences between each blend, which coffee is best in which season etc.

Serbian coffee
Coffee is a religion in Serbia

3. Belgrade has impressive churches

Churches in Belgrade are seriously impressive.

In fact, Belgrade is home to the largest Orthodox Church in the whole world!

Some of the main churches in Belgrade include:

Temple of St. Sava – the aforementioned largest Orthodox Church in the world!

St Mark’s Church – this Neo-Byzantine structure is one of the largest churches in Serbia

St Michael’s Cathedral – Neoclassical cathedral that was instrumental in Serbia’s fight for independence

Ružica Church – the oldest church in Belgrade

largest orthodox church
The Temple of St Sava

4. Belgrade is SAFE

Is Belgrade safe?

While Serbia has had many wars and problems over the years, Belgrade is a totally safe city to visit, even as a solo female traveller.

The biggest problem that you will likely run into visiting Belgrade is theft – pickpockets tend to work on the public buses in the centre of Belgrade and in the touristy areas, so be sure to hold on tightly to your valuables.

You should also avoid wearing football shirts when you visit Belgrade because this can provoke violent football hooligans to cause trouble. This especially applies to the two domestic clubs (Partizan and Red Star Belgrade), but you should also avoid wearing England, Italy, Greece, Russia or France shirts.

On a lesser-note, taxi drivers in Belgrade are notorious for scamming tourists. The best way to use a taxi in Belgrade is to download the CarGo app, which is similar to Uber.

5. Belgrade is a museum city

If you’re anything like me you love a good museum then you’re in luck because there are tonnes of them in Belgrade!

The museums are some of the main attractions for people visiting Belgrade, and no matter where your interest lies, you will surely find a museum to suit you in Serbia’s capital.

Best museums in Belgrade include:

Museum of Yugoslavia – Belgrade’s most popular museum, this tells the story of Yugoslavia from the beginning. Tito’s mausoleum can be found here.

Museum of Aviation – Located nearby the Nikola Tesla Airport, Belgrade’s Museum of Aviation houses hundreds of Serbian Air Force planes, as well as two NATO aircrafts that were shot down during the 1999 troubles.

Nikola Tesla Museum – A guide will lead you around this museum performing scientific experiments and allowing you to get involved yourself. This museum is also where Nikola Tesla’s ashes are kept.

Historical Museum of Serbia – This museum goes all the way back to medieval Serbia and is a must for anybody wanting to know more about Serbian history.

National Bank of Serbia – Here you will find coins dating back thousands of years, learn how money is printed, and you can even get your photograph printed on a 5 billion Serbian dinar note – I still have mine!

Military Museum – You can easily spot this by all of the tanks outside it! This museum dates all the way back to 1878 and is home to more than 3000 artefacts covering violence from the Roman times to the modern day. It also features an in-depth look at the NATO aggression of 1999.

visiting belgrade, military museum
The Military Museum is easy to spot!

6. Food in Belgrade is fantastic

Eating out in Belgrade is not only great because of the hearty Balkan food everywhere, but there are also tonnes of international restaurants in Belgrade that offer great quality food at incredibly low prices.

The best sushi I’ve ever tasted was at Moon Sushi, where my friend and I got a 34 piece sushi box for less than 25 EUR, and you can grab a traditional Serbian lunch (2 courses and a drink) for less than 5 EUR at the local cafés.

Due to fertile lands and late industrialisation, the quality of the ingredients in Serbian food is always very high, even at budget restaurants – in Serbia, organic really does mean organic!

Some Serbian food that you must try in Belgrade:

Burek – flaky pastry filled with meat, cheese or veg, popular all over the Balkans

Cevapcici – a kind of kebab made from minced beef or pork, and served with flatbread, ajvar (a spread made primarily from red peppers), chopped onions, sour cream and kajmak (similar to clotted cream)

KaraÄ‘orÄ‘eva Å¡nicla – veal or pork schnitzel which is rolled, stuffed with kajmak, breaded and fried

Sarma – spiced minced meat rolled in sour cabbage rolls

Musaka – Serbian moussaka uses potatoes instead of eggplant

If you want to experience Serbian cuisine properly, take part on a food tour so you can learn about what you’re eating as you eat it!

Cevapi with ajvar, kajmak, chopped onion and flatbread

7. Belgrade nightlife is legendary

Belgrade nightlife is famous all around the world and in the summertime, Splavovi are where its at.

Splavs are boats that rock up in Belgrade for the duration of the summer.

Each one has its own unique interior and music style, and a casual stroll along the waterfront will take you to all of them.

From house and techno to Serbian folk music (known as turbo-folk), there really is something for everyone when it comes to Belgrade nightlife. The drinks are definitely more expensive on the splavs, but they are a rite of passage for anybody wanting to discover Belgrade nightlife.

A great way to start your evening on the river is this sunset sightseeing cruise with snacks and drinks.

Pass under the bridges of Belgrade and see the main Belgrade attractions and the city lit up while enjoying sparkling wine, rakija and cured meats and cheeses.

For those wanting to remain on land, Blaznavac Kafe-bar is a quirky cocktail bar complete sequinned horse and carriages to sit in while you drink your cocktails.

You could also book a pub crawl to see the best that Belgrade nightlife has to offer with a knowledgeable guide.

belgrade nightlife
Is it a bar? Is it a house? Who knows.
Inside Blaznavak Kafe-bar.

8. Rakija is a religion

As is the case everywhere in the Balkans, rakija is the drink of choice and there wasn’t a day that went by in Belgrade when I wasn’t handed a shot of rakija at some point.

It’s breakfast time?

Doesn’t matter.

You don’t drink?

Come on, you’re in Serbia.

You haven’t got money?

Don’t be silly, nobody pays for rakija.

Rakija is a kind of fruit brandy that comes in many flavours (honey is my personal favourite) and is usually brewed at home, where it can reach up to 90% proof.

Fun fact – a huge tabloid newspaper in Serbia published an article about my love for rakija!

9. Belgrade Fortress

Belgrade Fortress is the symbol of Serbia’s capital, having been destroyed and rebuilt countless times over the years and towering above the Sava and Danube rivers.

First built by the Romans in the 2nd century, Belgrade Fortress has seen devastation from Goths, Huns, Avars and Slavs, and to understand Serbia, you absolutely must visit Belgrade Fortress.

Belgrade Fortress is situated in Kalemegdan Park, which is a lovely spot to wander around, ending the afternoon by taking a seat, drinking a cool beer and watching the sun set with the locals.

If you’re like me and enjoy the macabre, you may enjoy this underground fortress tour, where you’ll discover a Roman well surrounded by mysteries, an army bunker that reveals well-kept secrets of Communist Yugoslavia, a Gunpowder Warehouse that houses Roman artefacts and the dungeons, where you will see some medieval torture devices and learn about how they were used.

visiting belgrade fortress
Belgrade Fortress

10. Belgrade has a thriving art scene

It may surprise you that that the vibe of Belgrade is similar to that of Berlin, and there is a thriving underground art and music scene that is hidden from the casual visitor.

If you dig a little beneath the surface, you will find plenty of bars that also act as culture centres, art galleries, venues for poetry readings and concept stores. 

Belgrade is also home to a tonne of street art and you can easily while away an afternoon in the city centre hunting for the best pieces.

I explored Belgrade’s street art as part of an Alternative Tour and it was one of the best walking tours I’ve been on.

tkv fairy queen belgrade
Street art by TKV FAIRY QUEEN

11. Serbs are beautiful

Before I went to Serbia, I was told that Serbia is home to the most beautiful women in the world, and I can’t disagree.

Both the men and women in Serbia are exceptionally good looking.

Think Barbie and Ken.


Barbie and Action Man (Ken is far too metrosexual for Serbia).

The women are all skinny, tall (SO tall) and dress like they’re on a runway every damn day while the men are big bald blocks of pure muscle.

However, if you’re a man visiting Belgrade on the hunt for Serbian women, think again.

Many Western men seem to have the idea that Serbian women are meek and submissive homemakers who are desperate to ‘escape’ Serbia and settle down with a balding dude from Kentucky, but that just isn’t the case.

Serbian women are highly driven, highly educated and not likely to fall head over heels in love with you.

12. The illegal squatters cinema

The Zvezda New Cinema was one of the first cinemas in Belgrade and was left abandoned and neglected in the 1990s.

Since then, squatters have moved in and provide the hipsters of Belgrade with hard-to-find films such as cult classics, activist, queer, anarchist and documentary films.

Entrance is dirt cheap (just enough to cover the generator costs), bringing your own alcohol is encouraged, there is no electricity and although the cinema is technically illegal, authorities turn a blind eye.

I actually went to a screening of an ‘art experience’ at Zvezda New Cinema while visiting Belgrade.

While the movie SUCKED, it was definitely cool to wander around an abandoned cinema with a bunch of Serbian misfits, squatters and anarchists, and visiting Belgrade’s illegal cinema is quite possibly one of my most surreal travel memories.

belgrade zvesda new cinema
The cinema. It only opens at night.

13. Belgrade architecture

Those interested in Brutalism will love the amount of Soviet Brutalist and Modernist architecture in Belgrade, but there is something for everybody when it comes to the architectural styles at play in the city.

The main walking street, Kneza Mihaila, is home to Art Deco, Baroque and Art Nouveau architecture, and even if you’re not an architecture nerd, you can’t fail to be impressed in Belgrade.

soviet architecture in belgrade
An example of Brutalist architecture in Belgrade

14. Belgrade’s Bohemian Quarter

Okay, so it may be less ‘bohemian’ and more ‘tourist central’ these days, but Belgrade is actually home to its very own bohemian quarter, named Skadarlija.

This dinky little pedestrian zone, with cobbled streets and hanging baskets full of flowers used to be where artists, musicians and poets used to live, but these days it is there for tourists.

With that said, it is absolutely the most beautiful part of Belgrade with a very Parisian feel, and there are tonnes of restaurants selling traditional Serbian food, with live folk music and lots of flavours of rakija.

If you’re visiting Belgrade, you have to spend some time in Skadarlija.

One of the many restaurants in Skadarlija

15. Belgrade is not as ‘foreign’ as you may think

Serbia has the reputation for being the bad boy of the Balkans, and I’m sure that most people in the UK couldn’t even point to it on a map.

To us, Serbia seems far removed from everything that we know.

Until we visit, that is.

Belgrade is not scary, it’s not backwards, and it isn’t much different to any other European capital.

You will find the same chain stores, fast-food joints and music as you would anywhere else in Europe (I may have indulged in several KFCs in Belgrade, don’t @ me).

visiting belgrade
The main shopping area in Belgrade

16. Belgrade is home to some fantastic hotels

Belgrade has some wonderful historic hotels, and so if you enjoy a bit of luxury, you won’t be disappointed in Belgrade.

My picks for the best Belgrade hotels:

Hotel Moskva is an iconic Art Nouveau hotel in downtown Belgrade. Make the most of the wellness centre and spa (where you can get a free hammam!), enjoy a meal from the hotel restaurant or terrace café, or a cocktail at the aperitif bar.

The Sky Hotel is another excellent choice. Featuring a lounge bar with a wide selection of drinks, ultra-modern decor and a buffet breakfast, this 4-star hotel has all the bells and whistles.

By far the most famous hotel in Belgrade is the Metropol Palace.

Tito himself wanted a grand hotel in Belgrade, and his dreams became a reality with Metropol Palace.

With modernist architecture, elegant rooms and a stunning mosaic in the lobby, Metropol Palace is one of the best hotels in Belgrade.

belgrade hotels
The iconic Hotel Moskva

17. Most people can speak English

The language in Serbia is Serbian which is very similar to other Slavic languages.

Most former Yugoslavian countries share a language that is almost the same.

With that said, most young Serbians in the capital will speak English, and so you shouldn’t have any problem making yourself understood in cafes, coffee shops etc.

Serbia primarily uses the Cyrillic alphabet, which can make getting around a little complicated.

However, most signs in Belgrade will have both the Cyrillic and Latin versions of the word on them, sometimes even having the English written underneath!

18. Belgrade in the summer

If you plan to visit Belgrade, I would definitely recommend visiting in the summer months.

With high (but not too high) temperatures, parties all along the river, EXIT festival taking place in Novi Sad every July, and the Belgrade Beer Fest taking over the city in August, perhaps the best time to visit Belgrade is in the summer!

Because Belgrade is not plagued by overtourism like other European capitals, visiting in July or August is not as ill-advised as travelling to somewhere like Rome or Paris during those times!

19. Belgrade is cheap

Belgrade is a very affordable city – one of the cheapest cities in Europe in fact!

While it is not as cheap as other Balkan cities, it is much more affordable than anywhere in Western Europe. Expect to pay 3 EUR for a cocktail, 1 EUR for a beer, and 6 – 10 EUR for a bed in a hostel dorm room.

The currency in Serbia is the Serbian Dinar, with 1 EUR being the equivalent of 118 RSD.

20. Belgrade is super well-connected

Getting to Belgrade is very easy as it can be reached by bus from Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia, North Macedonia and Montenegro.

My go-to bus travel in Europe is always FlixBus. Flixbus is the most extensive bus network worldwide and all Flix buses have Wi-Fi, extra legroom, charging ports and the ability to modify your booking just 15 minutes before departure!

Click here to book your Flixbus to Belgrade.

Most major European airlines also fly to Belgrade, making a Belgrade city break a great option for anybody who isn’t able to visit Belgrade as part of a larger trip!

danube river belgrade
Belgrade at sunset

21. Belgrade is a great choice for digital nomads

Belgrade may not be the first place that comes to mind when you consider where to base yourself as a digital nomad, but there are a number of reasons why it might be a great choice!

Firstly, Serbia is not in the EU or the Schengen zone. This is great if you are nearing the end of your 90 days in the Schengen area! You can actually stay in Serbia for up to 90 days visa-free, which is incredible!

Wi-Fi is also fantastic in Belgrade, with most bars and cafes having free Wi-Fi and many parks having open Wi-Fi as well. The coffee shop culture in Belgrade means that you won’t struggle to find a laptop-friendly place to set up shop for a few hours every day while you drink some of the world’s best coffee!

The fact that Belgrade is also super affordable, both in terms of accommodation and living costs, as well as being so well-connected to other major European cities make it a solid option for remote workers.

Is Belgrade Worth Visiting? | Final thoughts

The longer I spent in Belgrade, the more I came to like it.

Belgrade is very similar to Berlin, not just for the way it looks, but also in the edgy, underground vibe of the place.

It also has an abundance of museums and monuments for those interested in sightseeing, hundreds of fantastic restaurants and a thriving nightlife.

Belgrade is safe, it is affordable, and a truly multifaceted city that rewards those who take the time to get to know it.

I have no doubt that Belgrade tourism will grow massively in the future, and I can’t say that it isn’t well-deserved.

If you would like to read more about Belgrade, then check out this Belgrade guide at Sam Sees World or head to My Open Passport!

Lastly, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments section!

Until next time,


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20 + things you need to know before visiting Belgrade, Serbia! This post will give you all the practical tips that you should know before visiting Belgrade, as well as the best things to do in Belgrade, best Belgrade foods and best party spots! #belgrade #serbia #balkans

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  1. I drove through Belgrade on my way to Bulgaria. Desperately wanted to stop and have a nosey but was on a tight schedule. The difference in architecture is astounding and the difference in how people love at polar ends of the economic spectrum yet side by side in proximity.

    1. Ah, I’ve never been to Bulgaria but I hope to visit in the summer! I didn’t actually see a huge difference in the way of people living at polar ends of the economic system but then again I spent all of my time in the very centre and so all I saw were the people who could afford to go out to bars, coffee shops and clothes stores etc. I’m sure that if I visited the outskirts or even crossed over into New Belgrade I’d have a different experience. Thank you for commenting <3

    1. Cevapi? Yes, not a fan. ‘Raw materials?’ Perhaps Google translate is failing me here, but with an email address such as “long live Stalin,” is it possible I have attracted my first troll? 😀

      1. Sirovina = men are big bald blocks of pure muscle (it’s our word for it, short and succinct )

        troll nah, just throwaway email address. Take a look at this one!

          1. Well, I can’t speak for all but… Slav girls > other girls.

            Thanks, and better luck next time.

  2. Your impressions of Belgrade are really interesting because I just visited Serbia for the first time (Nis) and found it hard to love. It was only a day trip, though, and I would like to go back because I felt like I didn’t see the best of Serbia – and from your post, it sounds like I was right. I totally noticed the great coffee though – and I’m shocked to hear that smoking is banned! They’re definitely not observing that one! (chokes on second-hand smoke inhaled in a Serbian coffee shop not long ago…) ?

    1. I totally feel you and it took me a few days before I got a feel for Serbia as well! It’s one of those places that (in my opinion) takes a little time to grow on you. Haha yeah, I actually only found out that smoking was banned when I started to write the post! Originally I was just going to talk about how everyone smokes, and then I discovered that it’s actually illegal!

  3. In my opinion Serbia is a wonderful country and Serbs are wonderful people. They are very hospitable and at the same time have such a strong temperament. Serbian cuisine is very tasty. The Balkan region is very interesting with its history and sights. I strongly recommend to visit Serbia and the other Balkan countries.

    1. Thanks for reading! I would say maybe 3 full days? I highly recommend doing one of the free walking tours, and also the free ‘alternative walking tour’ if you’re interested in the art and music scene. There are also lots of museums that I’d check out, such as the Nikola Tesla museum and the Torture museum up at the fortress 🙂

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